Agriculture Loans

For more than 100 years, we've helped small and large farmers and land owners secure agriculture loans through both good and challenging times. Let our team help you grow.

As the leading farm and agriculture financial experts, our loan specialists know how to guide you through the ins and outs of getting an agriculture business loan.

The Farm Credit System, which includes Horizon, is a network of cooperatives owned by its borrowers (farmers, ranchers, agricultural cooperatives, and rural customers), representing more than 40% of all U.S. agricultural lending with assets valued at $289 billion. We're regulated and examined by the Farm Credit Administration. 

We're Owned by Our Borrowers

The Farm Credit System, which includes Horizon Farm Credit, is a network of cooperatives owned by their borrowers (farmers, ranchers, agricultural cooperatives, and rural customers), representing more than 40% of all U.S. agricultural lending with assets valued at $373 billion. We're regulated and examined by the Farm Credit Administration. 

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Ready to get started?

Get the financing you need at a pace that works for you. Reach out to one of our Farm Credit experts today.